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Top Ten Ways to Save your Wet Cell Phone

Top Ten Ways to Save your Wet Cell Phone1) Do not Panic at all You can make your phone when you follow the instructions at the right time. Stay calm and no panic. The key for solving this problem is a patience. 2) Remove your cell phone from the water The water takes longer to enter your mobile phone. Glass of water, if spilled, and mobile phone charger is connected to mobile phones, please unplug...

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Cleaning Up Your Wall

Cleaning Up Your WallHas your wall ever gotten hijacked by notifications such as "Blah started the quiz: Dr. Phil's Personality Test" then "Blah completed the quiz: Dr. Phil's Personality Test with the result The Vain, Self-Centered Leader" followed by a big story stating the same thing. Get rid of the duplicates by clicking on the Remove button that appears to its right when you hover on it! I've...

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Customizing Info Privacy

Customizing Info PrivacyWhen I first started out on Facebook, I had decided to add to my friends list only people that I knew personally, so I filled out all the details in my Info tab. Then I started getting friend requests from online acquaintances or even strangers and I realized I couldn't display certain contact information to these people. As I was about to delete the info, I realized that you...

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Hacking Yahoo Messenger

This tutorial will tell you how to hack Yahoo Messenger while you are engaged in chatting with some person. While you are chatting through Yahoo Messenger , Yahoo will hide the IP addresses of all the computers that are connected through the Yahoo Messenger application to the chat room. So it is not possible to directly find out the IP of the person you want to hack. Then how to get...

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Chat without Yahoo Messenger or Gtalk

Can we Chat without Yahoo Messenger ? Most of us are familiar with the most widely used applications such as Yahoo Messenger and Gtalk to carry out chatting with our friends. But here I’ll show how to Chat without Yahoo Messenger or Gtalk . As we all know the information we exchange with their servers(Yahoo or Gtalk ) are recorded and stored along with the corresponding IP addresses....

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Domain Hijacking – How to Hijack a Domain

In this post I will tell you about How the Domain names are hacked and How they can be protected. The act of hacking Domain names is commonly known as Domain Hijack ing . For most of you, the term “Domain Hijack ing ” may seem to be like an alien. So let me first tell you what Domain Hijack ing is all about. Domain Hijack ing is a process by which...

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How to Hack Windows Administrator Password

This Hack will sHow you How to reset Windows Administrator Password (for Win 2000, XP, Vista and Win 7) at times when you forget it or when you want to gain access to a computer for which you do not know the Password . Most of us have experienced a situation where in we need to gain access to a computer which is Password protected or at times we may forget the Administrator Password without...

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How to Hack Orkut Account

Google uses a 4 Level Orkut login which makes it difficult to hack Orkut using brute force attack. Hence it’s almost impossible to use the brute force approach to hack Orkut Account . Before we discuss How to hack Orkut lets take a look into the 4 level secure login feature of Orkut Account . First Level - Security-SSL or 128 bit secured connectionSecond Level - Orkut Account checks...

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What to do when your Orkut Account is Hacked ?

It can be a nightmare if someone else takes control of your Google Account because all your Google services like Gmail, Orkut , Google Calendar, Blogger, AdSense, Google Docs and even Google Checkout are tied to the same account. Here are some options suggested by Google Support when your forget the Gmail password or if someone else takes ownership of your Google Account and changes the password: 1....

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How to Copy Locked Photos from Orkut

Recently Orkut updated it’s security feature and disabled Right-click on Photos of friend’s album. So this makes it difficult to Copy Photos from Orkut . It’s a new security update made by Orkut to prevent people from Copy ing Photos from Orkut and misusing it. This may be annoying most of you! Then… How To Copy Locked Photos From Orkut ? Yes it’s still possible to Copy the Photos...

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