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Showing posts with label Notepad. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Notepad. Show all posts

Notepad As DIARY - Cool Computer Tricks

Do you maintain diary??? n want to maintain on your computer then now you can maintain it on your pc without using any software. Use notepad as diary. follow these steps:
1) Create a new notepad file.
2) Type .LOG in it.
3) Save it with any name and close it.
4) Reopen it.

Its done. On reopning it shows current time and date, Whenever you opened it, It will show date and time. So get ready n start writing..

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Notepad, System tricks, Tweaks, VISTA tricks, XP tricks

Here is trick to open cdrom in 1 click. For this you have to make a file which when clicked open cdrom. So to make that file follow given steps:

1). Open notepad.

2). Copy given code as it is into it


Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
for i=0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
strDrive= oWMP.cdromCollection.item(i).driveSpecifier
strQuestion = "Close DRIVE " & strDrive & "?"
answer= msgbox (strQuestion, vbYESNO)
if answer= vbYES then colCDROMs.Item(i).eject:
end if

3). Save it anywhere with the name cdrom.vbs.
Its done.

The above file when clicked will open your cd rom and ask question to close it and will close in case of pcs when you say yes.

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Tips to keep Laptop cool

A computer generates a great amount of heat. Fortunately desktop computers are usually fitted up with large vents and fans to keep the computers reasonably cool. But the case is different with laptops as they are designed to skimp on vents and fans and not surprisingly, so laptops get overheated very easily. Overheat can cause serious damage, so its better to prevent your laptops from overheating.

Here are some tips given to prevent overheating in laptops:

1. Adjust your power settings from high performance to a more balanced or power saver plan. This will tell the system to only use the power required to run your applications, rather than always using the maximum processor speed.

2. Keep the environment as cool as possible. Using a Notebook computer in the hot summer, you'd better use your air-conditioning. If there is no air-conditioning, at least use fans. Otherwise, even if the computer withstand, I am afraid you will not.

3. Put something under the computer to allow airflow between the laptop and the desk. It may sound like a small trick, but a very important one. You can put part of a book under it, or you can buy the computer cooling pads which works extrem4ly well considering how cheap they are.

4. When using the in the bed or sofa, try not to block the air outlet of the Notebook computer. There are so many cases that the computer died simply because there is no way to get the hot air out.

5. Use dust remover spray to clean out of the laptop's vents. Dust can accumulate in and block the laptop's fan vent.

6. Shut down your computer when not in use, and especially when you are not at home.

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Block a website without a software

Do you know that, You can block any site which you don't want to see. For this you dont need any software just follow these steps:

1) Open mycomputer.
2) Browse C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc.
3) Open file with a name HOSTS in notepad.

4) In this notepad file, Find and Add
www.xyz.com (websites URL) , Under " localhost".

5) Save this notepad file and close it.

Now xyz.com is no longer acessebile.

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Speed up your computer by cleaning RAM using notepad

If your computer become slow, when you are working with many programs. It may be due to RAM because at that time RAM is full of remaining progress pieces which you are working with and you do not need them any more. So, if you can erase or delete those unnecessary pieces of information, your computer RAM will be cleaned and your computer will be speed up.

Cleaning RAM is very easy task here are steps for it, just follow them:

1). Open notepad.

2). Type FreeMem=Space(64000000).

3). Save file with name "CleanRAM.vbs".

4). Close it and run the file.

It will free memory in RAM, if you want to free more memory than you can write following command in notepad instead of what given in step 2.

FreeMem= (256000000) for 256 mb
FreeMem= (128000000) for 128 mb
FreeMem= (72000000) for 72 mb
FreeMem= (64000000) for 64 mb
FreeMem= (32000000) for 32 mb
FreeMem= (24000000) for 24 mb

Make sure that you don't select the memory that is larger than your memory capacity.

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Add your PICTURE to My Computer Properties - Cool Computer Tricks

Now you can add your picture or any other picture in my computer properties. To do this follow given steps:

1). Open Notepad.

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Computer prank to Pop out cdtray continously

Wanna impress your friends or wanna have some fun with them?? If yes then try this computer prank on your friend's computer. It will popout cdtray of computer continously and make him crazy. Follow given steps for this trick:

1). Open notepad.

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Hide data in notepad

Do you know that you can hide data in a notepad file. You can save any of your confidental data in a notepad file in such a way that noone is able to see it except you. just follow these steps:

1) Open command Prompt (type cmd in run).

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