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Showing posts with label Ms word. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ms word. Show all posts

Create Table without using mouse and menus in ms word

It’s possible create Table without using mouse and menus in MS word and Outlook. Here its that…

Type the content (+——+——-+——+) in Microsoft Word and press Enter. One row of a table will be created and for more rows you can press TAB.

Step 1:
Step 2: (After pressing Enter having the cursor at the last ‘+’ Result will be like the below one)

Step 3: (press TAB to create more Rows)
In this ' + ' represents the column borders and ' ' represents the length of the each column.

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Add Background Color To Word 2007 Documents

Follow given steps to add background color to word 2007 documents..
1) Open your word document.
2) Choose Page Layout on the Ribbon.

3) Select page color to select the background color you want.

The nice thing about Word 2007 is you just need to hover the mouse over each color to see a preview of how it will look in the document. Select the background color you want and you are done.

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Add effects to pictures in word 2007

Word 2007 has a ton of great effects that can be added to pictures in your documents, and they are all quickly accessible follow these steps:

1) open your documents having pictures.
2) Click on Format tab on the Ribbon.
3) Now here you find many options

For instance, if you want to add a border to your picture, just click the Picture Border drop-down button, where you can change the type of border you want, the colors, or the line thickness.

You can recolor picture, just click on recolor and then select color modes and variations.

You can also change pictures shape drop-down button and then select shape.

You can take this even a step further and add glowing effects or even 3D effects to your pictures by using the Picture Effects drop-down button.

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Save MS Word to PDF Files - Cool Softwares

Pdf files is better than ms word in some aspects, So Here is software Cute Pdf Writer by using this you can convert ms word files into pdf files. Here is link for dowloding of Cute Pdf Writer.
First go and download it free by clicking on the link given below and then install it. After then you can use this software anytime to convert ms word document into pdf files

Steps to convert ms word into pdf

1). Firstly download cute pdf writer from the link given above and install it.

2). Open ms word document.

3). Select Print option.

4). Now select Cute pdf Writer.

5). Check the box all pages and click print.

6). Now select the place where you want to save it.

7). Click OK.

Its done.
Now your pdf file is ready.

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Open Office 2007 files in office 2003

There is compatibility problem between office 2003 and 2007. As all programs in 2003 use all extensions like .doc, .xls while 2007 use diffrent extensions like .docx, .xlsx. So when we try to open .docx or .xlsx or any 2007 office file in office 2003. It shows compatibility issues and will not open file.
Here is solution for this problem. Microsoft provides free compatibility pack to convert office 2007 documents to the office 2003 format.
so just download this compatibility pack then by using this you can easily open 2007 office files.
below is link to download Microsoft compatibility pack.

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Protect MSOffice document with Password

You can protect your document by applying password so that unauthorized person can not display as well as modify your document.
Here are the steps:

1). Open any Office Documents.
2). Click File and Select Save As.
3). Now click Tools in that dialouge box.

4). Here click on General Option.
5). Now give the passwords to open and to modify.

6). click OK.
7). After that re-enter those passwords to confirm them.
8). Click Save button of Save As dialog box.Its done.

Now your document is password protected, noone can read or modify it without that password. You can use this trick to maintain and to protect your personal dairy from others..

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Simple tips to select Text quickly in MS word

Below are some tips to slect text quicky in MS Word, this is really very useful and very handy. This is a great feature of microsoft word and most of the users are unknown of this selecting style. Here are instructions to selct text:

Select a word:
Double click on any part of the word.

Select a line:
Click the left margin next to the line.

Select a sentence:
Hold down the CTRL key, then click anywhere in the sentence.

Select a paragraph:
Triple click any word within the paragraph.

Select the whole document:
Triple click in the left margin, or hold down the CTRL key, then click anywhere in the left margin. Yet another method you can use is to hold down the CTRL key, then press the letter A.

Make a vertical text selection:
Hold down the ALT key, then drag the mouse up.

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Make folder or file without a name - Cool Computer Tricks

Do you know how to make a folder without a name? is it possible? Yes it is possible you can make a folder or a file without any name. Just try this

1). Click the folder or file which you want to have no name.
2). Right click on it and then click rename and delete the old name.
3). Press ALT button from your keyboard and type 0160(holding alt) after that press enter. Note that while you will type 0160 it will not appear, but continue typing and press enter.. thats it.

Its Done.

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Creating Keyboard shortcuts to open files, folder or browser

You can create a keyboard shortcut that can automatically open a folder, a program or a word file or any application or browser through your keyboard even when you have other windows like Internet explorer, Office maximized. This is very simple trick and very usful save lots of time. Here are steps:

1). Create a shortcut of the folder / program / file on the desktop.
2). Right click the shortcut on the desktop, and then click Properties.
3). In the Properties dialog box, click the Shortcut tab.
4). Now in the Shortcut key textbox, enter a key combination for example CTRL+ALT+R or CTRL+SHIFT+R or whatever you like.

Its done.

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Split text among Clumns in MS Excel - Useful Computer Trick

Suppose you have some data in word file or notepad about some person like first name, last name, age etc... Now you have to sort this data according to last name. This problem is very easy and can be solved easily by using MS Excel but what happens is when you copy paste whole content in Ms Excel file it will first and last name and age in the same cell.

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Disable the Blinking Cursor in Computer Applications

If you are using any computer application, for example MS Word or MS FrontPage and you did not like blinking of cursor. Now you can stop the cursor from blinking in these applications, for this you have to edit your computer registry keys, but be careful to work with computer registry. Its very simple just follow the given steps to stop cursor from blinking:

1). Click on Start button then type Regedit in Run option.

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