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Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Google. Show all posts

Google Buzz keyboard Shortcuts

If you are using google buzz and like to use keyboard more than mouse, then use these keyboard keys for buzzing. Here are some keyboard shortcuts use them..

Make sure that Keyboard shortcut turned on in your gmail account, If it is turned off then you can enable it by clicking turn on keyboard shortcuts in general tab of settings of your gmail account.


gb - open Google Buzz in Gmail inbox.Bold

n - goto newer or next conversation.
p - goto previors or older conversation.
j - scroll through displayed conversations or items.
o - open or expand any conversation.
r - add comment to any conversation.
ShifBoldt + l - like a conversation.
Spacebar - page down action
Shift + Spacebar - page up action.

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Have fun with GOOGLE

We all know that google is most popular search engine and all of us use google daily, but do you know that you can do lot of fun from google.
If you get bored of that google search engine page then now you can set diffrent styles of search pages as your homepage of browser.

1). Easter eggs

Open google.com -> write google easter eggs -> click on m feeling lucky.
you can set above as your homepage. Its really cute you can control bummy with mouse and try to catch spell of google.

2). Google bearshare

Open google.com -> write google bearshare -> click on m feeling lucky.

3). Google bsd

Open google.com -> write google bsd -> click on m feeling lucky.

4). Google linux(penguin)

Open google.com -> write google linux -> click on m feeling lucky.

5). Elgoog (mirror image of google)

Open google.com -> write elgoog -> click on m feeling lucky.

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Google Pack - A free collection of essential softwares

Google Pack is a software package that allows users to discover, install, and maintain a number of application programs. It was announced at the 2006 Consumer Electronics Show, on January 6. Google Pack is currently only available for Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7.

All the software in the Google Pack is free no trial or spyware. Some programs may offer paid versions that provide additional features or ongoing updates, but you’ll never have to install the paid versions, and your free version will continue to work as long as you have it installed. Google also include updater, that can be used for : Monitor the status of your installation, Run software that’s been installed and Uninstall software.
You can choose software applications which you want to install. If the application is already installed, Google Updater checks to see if the user has the latest version and upgrades it, if necessary.
The software applications available vary based on which language and locale is selected, and operating system. The U.S. Windows XP version of Google Pack offers all of the current applications listed below.
It contains following software applications:

Google Toolbar for Internet Explorer - It autofills the forms on webpage and block Popups.

Spyware Doctor Starter Edition - Detect and remove spyware, adware, trojans and keyloggers.

Picasa - Share and edit photos.

Google Photos Screensaver- Display photos from your PC and photo sharing sites.

Google Talk - Chat with friends via IM.

RealPlayer - Play popular media formats, organize music and videos.

Google Earth - Find maps, driving directions, hotels, restaurants, and more.

Norton Security Scan - Protect from viruses.

Mozilla Firefox with Google Toolbar - Web browser.

Adobe Reader - View, print, and search PDF files via a redesigned interface.

Skype - Make free voice and video calls to anyone else on Skypee.

StarOffice - Word processing, spreadsheet, presentation, and more.

Click here to get Google Pack

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Use gmail acccount for Photo Sharing - Cool Trick

Now you can store or share your photos by using your gmail account. You can create, upload and share whole photo albums in moments. For this you need to install a firefox extension named GPhotospace.

GPhotospace is the fast way to share photos online. This free photo album builder works with Firefox and Gmail. Allow you to use existing Gmail account or create a new one for GPhotoSpace and create any number of photo albums, store and share them instantly.

It requires Firefox 3 and leverages the 7GB+ of storage space that you currently get with a Gmail account for an online photo storage repository.

Itrs freely available on net, so download it and then installed it. Once installed, you can launch the application from Firefox's Tools menu or by putting a small camera icon on your toolbar.

After that GPhotoSpace prompted to log into Gmail account. Once inside,it provides several links to choose from for creating albums, sending albums to others, deleting albums, maintaining an album inbox and more. All the images are stored by Google as part of your Gmail account. Its really very easy and handy to use, So go guys n download it fast...

Click here To Download

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Change Google logo text

You can Change google logo text and can place your name in place of google. You can also set that page as home page of your browser, so that whenever you open browser it opens a google's search engines webpage withyour name.

Here are steps:

1). There are lots of websites which provides you to change Google logo text. One of them is http://www.blingmysearch.com/ .
2). Open above link, copy and paste above address in adress bar of browser or click here.
3). Here enter your name or any text which you want to set in place of google.

4). Select style of text by selecting one of the give designs
5). Click on create.
6). Set this webpage as your home page.

You can also select theme for your homepage by using this site.

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View streets through Google Street View

Now you can view streets of US without going US, you can visit there while sitting in front of your computer.

This is possible now with the help of Google Street View, a new service by google by which you can view the streets of some areas. Till now this service is only available to few countries like us and not for India, most likely Google will soon add this feature for other countries. This feature is a very innovative but on the other hand, it could be also used for bad reasons.

Here are some instructions to use Stret View
Zoom To zoom closer into the earth press the + button in the navigation bar on the left of the screen. You can also zoom closer by double left clicking your mouse, or moving the scroll wheel forward.

Tilting Using your keyboard, simultaneously hold down the Shift key and the Up arrow to tilt down or the Down arrow to tilt up. To tilt, you can also select Shift and use the scroll wheel on your mouse. You will be able to see 3D buildings, structures and terrain as shown below.

Search, Customize and Send Your View Enter any place in the Search bar, and you will fly to your point of interest. Use the navigation controls to customize your view, zooming and tilting to experience your place in 3D.

Go to Google Maps, to view streets as this feature is merged with Google Maps and enjoy!!!

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Have FUN with Google - Try Google Gravity

Google Gravity is a Google Chrome experiment that initially loads a typical Google home page and then suddenly the elements are pulled down by gravity and you can start tossing them around!
This only works 100% in Google Chrome. If you run the page on Firefox, you won’t get the satisfaction of tossing the elements around!
Follow these Steps:
1). Open google.com.
2). Type Google gravity.
3). Click on I'm Feeling lucky.
have fun!!!

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Google Fun Tricks - Cool Tricks

Google is most popular search engine. We all use google daily. Google has solution for every problem, just type your problem and click search it will give lots of answers. Even searching convert into googling, nowaday everyone does googling not searching. You can also do fun with googles here are some google fun tricks:

Do you ever think that why google's name is google?

No, here's the answer. Google’s name is a play on the word googol, which refers to the number 1 followed by one hundred zeroes. The term was coined by Milton Sirotta, nephew of American mathematician Edward Kasner, and was popularized in the book, “Mathematics and the Imagination” by Kasner and James Newman. Google’s play on the term reflects the company’s mission to organize the immense amount of information available on the web.

Now lets have fun..try these things

Run before Chak norris finds you

1). Go to Google home page.
2). Type find Chak Noris and click on i'm feeling lucky.

and see what google find for you..
It will show a message in red "Google won't search for Chuck Norris because it knows you don't find Chuck Norris, he finds you."

French militory Victories - google confuse between victories and defeats.

1). Go to Google home page.
2). Type french military victories and click on i'm feeling lucky.

See the result.
Google's Question
"Did you mean: french military defeats "

The answer to life the universe and everything is 42

1). Go to Google home page.
2). Type the answer to life the universe and everything and click on search.

see the result the answer to life the universe and everything is 42.
This answer is from book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, as the "Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything

Google Loco

1). Go to www.google.com
2). Type in "google loco" and press "I'm feeling lucky"

See the jumping Google logo ( It may take time ) .

Is it beer o'clock?? Google's answer yes

1). Go to www.google.com
2). Type in is it beer o'clock and press "I'm feeling lucky"

See the result. I must be YES in bold black letters.

Last but not least, game from google. You can play Pacman on Google's Homepage.

Play Packman on Google

In honor of the 30th anniversary of everyone’s favorite arcade game, Google has embedded a static artistic homage to Pac-Man on the Google homepage and installed the game itself. Google logo has been turned into a Googlified version of the Pac-Man game.
To play Pacman on google

Go to www.google.com/pacman.

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Google Sphere - Have fun with Google

Google is one of the most popular search engine in the world. Google is basically for searching but you can have fun with google. Now here is one more google fun trick.

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