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Autorun.inf File missing Or corrupt : How to recreate Autorun.inf file

Autorun.inf File missing Or corrupt : How to recreate Autorun.inf file
Allowing autorun
Windows provide users with simple utility that runs automatically applications found on a CD, when inserted in the CD drive.
To make use of this option, you must verify that it is enabled under your system configuration. If it is the case, upon inserting a CD or DVD,Windows will try to open an application.This procedure is due to the "Autorun.inf" (primary instruction file associated with the Autorun utility) found at the root directory of the CD.
Creating an Autorun.inf file

First create a new (text-only)file a name it as autorun.inf.once created open it with your favourite text editor(notepad)and type in the following syntax:



Basically it should like that:




If the selected application is found in a sub folder, the path must be specified:



If an argument is to be passed for the application to be auto played:


open=myapplication /argument

Customizing the icon

If you want to change the default icon add the following syntax:






The icon file should also reside in the root directory of the CD.

Customizing the icon text

Simply add the following command line:

label=My application

Customizing the icon menu

To edit the menu that appears when you right-click on the icon simply add the following syntax:

shell=start shell\start\command=path/myapplication.exe

shell\start=Run Application

shell\read\command=notepad++.exe files/readme.txt

shell\read=open readme.txt

Keep in mind that the following parameters shoul be defined: shell\*\command and shell\* ,as they are the keywords, firstly for defining the application to be executed and secondly, for the text displayed in the menu.


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