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Filter Web Surfing - Remove Ads, scripts and animation from websites

Most of websites displays lots of advertisement banners, pop up ads, animation etc. If you don't like these ads n all then you can remove all these undesirable things.


Webwasher is a proxy server application which allows user to filter out undesirable content that user specify, including ads, animations, scripts and more. It provides user a basic interface, made up of basic checkboxes with a few option windows. Click in front of check boxes which you want to filter out.

Pop-ups, misdirected URLs, large images, scripts, and animations can be easily set to not display. It also crush cookies. It can also be used to block some websites. It provides user a secure and safe search.

Webwasher is freely available on internet for personal use. However, you need to purchase it for using in enterprise(bussiness purpose).

Click here to Download


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