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How To hack Linux GRUB Pasword

How To hack Linux GRUB Pasword

Hi guys, here is a very useful and a nice trick for those tech guys who are handy on LINUX os.

As we kno, hacking a Linux password is like hitting a ball for six.

Its so easy, bt sumtimes the admins use GRUB password which hardens the security.

But wonder, what if we can hack it as well.

So, ladies and gentlemen, here v go.

THis is the tweak..
GO, follow these steps and hack the charts..

1- Boot system with cd/dvd of RHEL.

2- At splash screen type 
boot:linux rescue

3- Choose language, choose keyboard, choose no network setup.

4- Press continue, >>> ok.

5- Type following:
#chroot /mnt/sysimage
#vi /etc/grub.conf

6-  Remove that password line that v created ago.

Thats it, n u r finished.


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