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Login With Multiple Logins in yahoo, orkut, gmail, msn, etc.: Learn Latest Computer And Mobile Hacking Tricks

Login With Multiple Logins in yahoo, orkut, gmail, msn, etc.: Learn Latest Computer And Mobile Hacking Tricks
Well this trick has done wonders for me, Hope it works for you to.

step 0 :
- Download Firefox for more efficiency(optional).

Step 1:
- Open system “properties”(by right clicking my computer).
- Choose tab “advanced”, click to “environment variables” button.
- In “system variables” section, click “new”.
- Type this information to each textbox.

Step 2:
variable name: moz_no_remote (should be all small letter).
variable value: 1

Step 3:
- Open firefox icon’s properties(from desktop and quick launch).
- Add extension -p to command line(like “c:\program files\mozilla firefox\firefox.exe” -p).
- Press ok.

When you will open firefox it will prompt for profile selection create a profile,open firefox login to orkut open once more use another profile login.


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