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Remove Isass.exe Virus | Isass.exe removal-

Remove Isass.exe Virus | Isass.exe removal-
Most people when they get this virus they may re-format their Computer due to frustration that it causes.
This virus allows you to have a few minutes on your Computer before it shuts it down.
To resolve this problem very quickly and easily, all you have to do is go to your clock and change the time back to a previous day.
This will extend the time you have with your computer depending on how long you change the time back.
With this extended time before your Computer shuts down it allows you to update your Anti-Virus software or go purchase a program.
If you are short of cash there is a free Anti-Virus program provided at http://www.grisoft.com/. The program is called AVG Anti-Virus.
Once you do all of the above its smooth sailing with your Computer and no more annoying shut downs.

Wen i go fr this trick, my Pc was reformated Bt after that I Came To Know About It.
Hopes, It work Well wid u Guys...
Best f Luck...


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