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Searching MAILS in Gmail

Nowadays Gmail is commonly used webservice. Gmail provides a search bar for easy navigation of emails. Here are the gmail search tricks which make your search in gmail and save lots of your time.

To Extract all the mails received from specific email address :
FROM: xyz@gmail.com OR xyz@yahoo.com
extract all mails from xyz@gmail.com or from xyz@yahoo.com
FROM: followed by email address

If you are not concerned about the mail services like yahoo.com or gmail.com, want to extract all mails from xyz then ignore the text after @. i.e
FROM: xyz@ OR abc@

Extract the mails based on your subject :
SUBJECT: meeting or party
extract all mails having subject meeting or party
SUBJECT:followed by subject name

Extract mails which have the word or set of words :
HAS THE WORDS : abc xyz
This search all the mails having words abc and xyz

Extract mails which doesnt have the word or set of words :
This search all the mails which doesnt have the word abc

Get all the mails sent between particular dates :
after:2010/01/01 before:2010/01/25
This gives all the mails sent between 2010/01/1 and 2010/01/25 (date format : yyyy/mm/dd )

Get all the chat messages having a particular word :
is:chat abc
This gives all the chat messages having the word abc


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